Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Train Ride!!

Weston & Wyatt are enrolled in the "Hippie" Program - which is a program that helps prepare children for school. "Yesterday, all the Hippie students got to take a ride on a train. We boarded at West Fork and rode to Winslow and back. It was a great experience for our two little "Hip" students!! The best part of all was that they invited Grandparents to go along!! So, Kirstal, Crystal and I went and took the boys!

Wyatt and Weston in the back of the van on our way to West Fork.

This is the Elkins Hippie Group.....

Waiting to board the train...
It's finally our turn - Kristal and Weston

Crystal & Wyatt....

And, here we are!!
Kristal & Weston
Wyatt & Crystal...

This is how he sat for the majority of the ride - The boys were both taking it all in!

Weston and Wyatt both loved the train! We really thank Mrs. Terrie, and her husband, who got us all where we needed to be! Elkins is blessed to have a great Hippie Director! And "Thank You" for letting Mamaw go too!!

1 comment:

Terri W. said...

Your pictures are so good! I wish I could have taken more pictues! You all were 3 cars behind me so that didn't make a good picture taking opportunity.
I was happy that you got to go with us!